Evaluation of GWAP for social recruitment and measurament of musical talent (Artigo publicado em congresso)

Mais um artigo com contribuições do LUDES foi publicado! Agora no CSCWD 2019.

Artigo: Evaluation of GWAP for social recruitment and measurament of musical talent
Autores: Daniel Schneider, Jano Moreira De Souza, Geraldo Xexéo e Luiz Oliveira

Congresso: IEEE CSCWD 2019 – Porto, Portugal

In the last decade, games with a purpose (GWAP) have emerged as an effective way to recruit and organize a large number of volunteers to help address difficult challenges. In previous work, a framework for crowdsourced collection, cleaning, and measurement of digital content was presented and used in the design of Cassino Musical, a game for procuring and measuring the musical talent of unknown artists. Preliminary results from an online experiment with the game provide basic proof that GWAP can be successfully applied to the task of measuring musical talent, and are described in this paper.